Lego Coloring Pages for boys

Saturday, September 24th 2016. | marvel coloring pages, Super Hero Coloring Pages |
We created a printable coloring and activity books that the kids enjoy, so it only makes sense that we would end up creating LEGO pages to add. We are always looking for interesting things to add to our activities for boys series on the site, for example Lego Coloring Pages.

Pin or bookmark this url address, so when you need some coloring pages you can just search on bookmark lists and click and go back here and print what pictures you want.  We will be updating this page with more printable coloring pages so stay tuned.

LEGO Coloring Pages

There are many types of Lego coloring pages, because lego can be made become to some arts. Here Lego coloring pages include Duplo, Lego Juniors, Lego Movie, Lego City, Lego Superheroes, Ninjago and much more.

Duplo Coloring Pages

These LEGO Duplo coloring pages are perfect for the younger set. These coloring sheets should keep your boy having fun for quite some time. These are nice because the images are bigger and easier to color.

LEGO Juniors Coloring Pages

Another great choice for younger kids is the selection of LEGO Juniors coloring sheets.

The LEGO Movie Coloring Pages

The LEGO Movie was a big hit. Kids loved it and so did many adults!

LEGO City Coloring Pages

LEGO City is such a fun collection of sets because you can do so much with them. We found LEGO City coloring pages in construction, police, vehicles, deep sea and more.

LEGO Superheroes Coloring Pages

LEGO Marvel Superhero Coloring Pages featuring Spiderman, Age of Ultron, Avengers, X-Men, and Civil War.


Coloring can be a very good way to relax. We even saw an article on how coloring may be as good as meditation for relaxation.

Break out the colors and colored pencils and have a great time together! Save this for later or share with someone else you know would enjoy it by using the sharing buttons below.










